Monday, March 30, 2015

NCAA Men's Basketball Game Uniform History

Hello Again Uniform Heads,

With the Final Four all set, I thought it would be nice to take a look back at the Championship games from the last 10 years.  This being Uniforms by Phil, we will focus on the uniforms worn by each team.  For as long as I can remember the lower seed would wear white and the higher seed would wear dark uniforms.

2014 - #8 Kentucky vs. #7 UConn
Source (

2013 - #4 Michigan vs. #1 Louisville
Source ($daE2N3K4ZzOUsqbU5sYsagoVWfYv5ohxdtwjXJZVAWCsjLu883Ygn4B49Lvm9bPe2QeMKQdVeZmXF$9l$4uCZ8QDXhaHEp3rvzXRJFdy0KqPHLoMevcTLo3h8xh70Y6N_U_CryOsw6FTOdKL_jpQ-&CONTENTTYPE=image/jpeg)

2012 - #2 Kansas vs. #1 Kentucky
Source (

2011 - #8 Butler - #3 UConn
Source (

2010 - #5 Butler - #1 Duke
Source (

2009 - #2 Michigan State vs. #1 North Carolina
Source (

2008 - #1 Kansas vs. #1 Memphis (Higher Overall Seed)
Source (

2007 - #1 Ohio State vs. #1 Florida
Source (

2006 - #3 Florida vs. #2 UCLA
Source (

2005 - #1 Illinois vs. #1 North Carolina 
Source (

Looking ahead in the 2015 Final Four, with Kentucky being the top overall seed, they will wear white for both games if necessary.  

With Michigan State being the only team that is not a 1 seed, they will wear their green jerseys.  

Now this brings up Wisconsin and Duke both being 1 seeds, but since Wisconsin is the lowest ranked 1 seed they will wear red throughout.  Therefore, if Duke and Kentucky win their semifinal match-ups, Duke will wear blue and Kentucky will still wear white.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

2014-15 College Basketball March Madness Preview

Hello Again Uniform Heads,

March Madness is just around the corner as the NCAA basketball regular season is winding down.

This also means that sponsored schools will release special uniforms from brands like Adidas and Nike.

In fact, Adidas has already released images for their school's uniforms that will be worn during tournament play (NCAA, NIT, etc.)  These annual jerseys have been customary for Adidas to release over the last few years with a new template used for each school.

In 2013, it was the neon Zubaz look

2014 brought in a more conservative fade look

Here is this year's March Madness line-up

There you have it! Generic jerseys with middle stripes and huge logos on the shorts.  Seems pretty familiar...

Oh yea there it is.  The Ole Under Armour board shorts look.  

Kidding aside, I do like these Adidas March Madness jersey.  It is a relatively conservative look like last year and has no tiger stripes so kudos there.  Overall, not terrible but not exactly exciting. 

Nike Schools are also getting new jerseys but not necessary just for tournament play.  Schools like Kentucky and Duke have already debuted these jerseys at home.  

Very nice, but a little plain.  I am a big fan of the white out look and this is no different.  The only problem I have with these is how similar these are to the original home jerseys.  Just would like to see something a little more flashy, but who knows maybe Nike is hiding something up their sleeve.


That is all the college basketball uniform news now.  Again, I would not be shocked if there is still an announcement from Nike about March Madness uniforms coming soon.  It should be interesting to see if Nike tries to out crazy Adidas this year with an aggressive and original template, come out with a basic design like the all-white look just released, or not release anything new at all.  

One thing is for sure, and that is that anticipation for March Madness is growing day by day.  I will try to keep you all posted with the coming news!